Microservices isolation patterns

The Microservice architectural pattern has gained in notoriety since being formally coined in 2014. Many books and articles have been written on this subject, including in this blog. One topic however that can never be stressed enough is the importance of ensuring proper isolation of services and their data both within and outside bounded contexts. In this series, we’ll examine two ways of achieving this.

HAproxy in the era of Microservices

“Microservices”, the latest architecture buzzword being thrown around to describe perhaps one of the most interesting architecture styles of this decade.

Choosing a tech stack for your bootstrapped startup

Programming languages. Tons of them have emerged over the years. Some decent great ones. Some decent ones. Some pretty awful ones as well. Most have strong points. All of have weak points. Often time I hear/read folks claiming that it doesn’t matter. Just pick one and roll with it. Well…it does!

Do No Harm: Short tale on Versioning

Here’s a little story inspired by true events. It’s 7.30 PM on a Sunday. After weeks upon weeks of hard work, you are now one commit away from releasing the new uber-awesome-oh-so-incredible (TM) application that will revolutionize the entire world. You can already see the millions of happy faces with each keystroke as you are about to push your latest changes. But you decide to do your due diligence. A new bug fix for the library you’ve been using to connect to your main datastore has been released. After reading the release notes, you realize they’ve fixed a pretty significant bug you were unaware of, so you decide to update. After all, it’s just a bug fix. Nothing should break, right? right? Wrong!